"California Mathematics: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving" was developed to specifically target the skills and topics that give pupils the most difficulty. It includes diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment; data-driven instruction; intervention options; and performance tracking, as well as remediation, acceleration, and enrichment tools throughout the program. Reading age for native speakers: Elementary School pupils (3rd grade)
Practise Now! provides a time-effective method for honing your skills and familiarising yourself with different selection test questions.
It is designed to help you to prepare for the most common kinds of questions that you may find in your selection tes, to provide you with practical help when you are preparing to take a selection test and wishing to sharpen your test-taking skills, broaden your knowledge of selection tests and build up your confidence levels.
"California Mathematics: Concepts, Skills, and Problem Solving" was developed to specifically target the skills and topics that give pupils the most difficulty. It includes diagnostic, formative, and summative assessment; data-driven instruction; intervention options; and performance tracking, as well as remediation, acceleration, and enrichment tools throughout the program.Reading age for native speakers: Elementary School pupils (1st grade)
The course includes conversation practice on daily life with a new vocabulary words 25-30 for a lesson in class, intensive listening in class and at home, and written exercises in the homework. The textbook is designed for a broad audience - from young people 13-14 years of age and to adults. skills and listening skills.
The Vocal Skills Pocketbook explains how to devleop a confident, authoritative and vital voice in a range of speaking situations. It will enable individuals to analyse their speaking voices and establish what aspects they wish to improve. The advice and information are relevant not just to public speaking events but also to numerous other situations such as interviews, meetings and speaking on the telephone.