The Longman Exams Skills series is for students preparing for the First Certificate and Proficiency exams. The books in each set provide through preparation for each of the papers with lots of practice based on real exam tasks. Mini-dictionaries in the Students’ Books + Model answers, photocopiable tests and marking schemes in the Teacher’s Books
Do you need to understand what is expected from your research and written work?
Would you like to see real examples of successful Master's level study?
If you answered 'yes' to any of these questions, then this is the book for you.
Taking a practical approach, this book will guide you through and demystify the process of thinking, researching, writing and achieving at Master's level. It offers an insight into the knowledge, tools and skills that need to be developed for a successful outcome in an educational context.
The Longman Exams Skills series is for students preparing for the First Certificate and Proficiency exams. The books in each set provide through preparation for each of the papers with lots of practice based on real exam tasks. Mini-dictionaries in the Students’ Books + Model answers, photocopiable tests and marking schemes, in the Teacher’s Books
Издание CliffsStudySolver сочетает в себе 20% материала на повторение и 80% проблемных ситуаций в грамматике (с ответами!). Идеально подходит для студентов, стремящихся усовершенствовать свои знания через применение правил.
It combines 20% of the material on repetition and 80% of the situation in the grammar. Ideal for students seeking to improve their skills through the application of the rules. WITH ANSWERS! PDFVERSION by Pumukl
Get Set - Go! is a lively language course for children learning English for the first time. Get Set - Go! has a carefully graded syllabus which provides steady progression in all four skills. The lower levels emphasize speaking and listening but also lay a foundation for the more demanding comprehension and story-writing skills in later levels. PDF + SIZE REDUCED PDF by Pumukl