When the Romans first started trying to map themselves into the larger Mediterranean world, their sense of where they belonged and how they fitted in was a challenge simultaneously to their sense of time and their sense of space; the charts they needed were geographical and chronological at once. Providing such charts was harder than it may appear, not least because charts of time and space do not always overlap harmoniously. Different parts of the world can appear to occupy different dimensions of time, “allochronies,” as Johannes Fabian (1983) calls them, niches where the quality of time appears to be not the same as “ours,” where the inhabitants are stuck in the past or are perhaps already ahead, in the future.
Common Sense Philosophy In the first century BC the Roman statesman Marcus Tullius Cicero claimed “There is no statement so absurd that no philosopher will make it”. Indeed, in the history of Western thought, philosophers have rarely been credited with having much common sense. In the 17th century Francis Bacon made the point rather poetically and wrote “Philosophers make imaginary laws for imaginary commonwealths, and their discourses are as the stars, which give little light because they are so high”.
Teaching Techniques Experts' tips for teaching grammar and for using Grammar Sense with your
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Making Sense of Phrasal Verbs Еще одно учебное пособие для тех, кого интересуеть такая тема, как фразовые глаголы. Книга достаточно редкая и очень полезная. Состоит из 20 тем. Каждая тема включает в себя 6 фразовых глаголов. Минимум теории. Обьяснение осуществляется при помощи картинок и вопросов, связанных с тем или иным фразовым глаголом. После этого пройденный материал закрепляется в серии упражнений. Работать с данным пособием интересно. Enjoy it!
Jane Austen - Sense and sensibility Penguin readers. Level 3 Адаптированный текст (нераспознанный PDF) и аудиозапись (оцифрована с кассеты). Более низкий уровень (pre-intermediate 1200 words), чем ранее выложенная аудиокнига от компании McGraw-Hill (уровень Upper-Intermediate).