This book presents in a systematic way the main prepositions in English. The book contains an introductory section of self-evaluation, 15 units that logically explain more than 50 prepositions, according to their use to indicate time, place, movement, etc.. In the second section of the self-evaluation section a summary of basic uses of the prepositions is explained and and using of prepositions is practised in the lessons of the book.
Improve your English skills quickly and easily with current news items and stories
The monthly magazine in English offers texts at three language levels. Difficult words are translated in glossaries
A comprehensive language section in the magazine, as well as an exclusive Premium online section, offers plenty of scope for intensive English learning
Each issue includes Travelogs – a compact travel booklet featuring select destinations
The Names of Plants is an invaluable reference for botanists and horticulturalists. The first section gives an historical account of the significant changes in the ways that plants have been known and named. It documents the problems associated with an ever-increasing number of common names of plants, and the resolution of these problems through the introduction of International Codes for both botanical and horticultural nomenclature. It also outlines the rules to be followed when plant breeders name a new species or cultivar. The second section comprises a glossary of generic and specific plant names,
В этом словаре вы найдёте те специфические слова, знание которых поможет вам на экзаменах, в вашей карьере, в бизнесе и просто в обществе респектабельных, образованных людей. В каждой главе имеется * Word Analysis section * Idiom and Usage section * 200 Prefixes, Roots, and Suffixes * Concise, practical definitions Издание рекомендуется иностранцам, которые намерены сдавать такие экзамены по английскому языку, как SAT, GRE, GMAT и др.,необходимые для поступления в американские или британские университеты.