It is hard to imagine a raison d'etre for this book, for its pretentions to be a field guide, as bruited on the dust cover, are absurd and are surprising coming from the authors, two highly respected ornithologists. What we have instead are species accounts of 800 birds, nine percent of the world total. These very brief accounts include a few sentences of general commentary; very small sections on range and nesting; a range map, color photo, and drawing showing scale; and one or two other small illustrations.
Based on the systematic analysis of large amounts of computer-readable text, this book shows how the English language has been changing in the recent past, often in unexpected and previously undocumented ways. The study is based on a group of matching corpora, known as the 'Brown family' of corpora, supplemented by a range of other corpus materials, both written and spoken, drawn mainly from the later twentieth century.
This book presents the key critical concepts in literary studies today, avoiding the jargonistic, abstract nature of much `theory'. The authors explore crucial issues in contemporary criticism and theory by focusing closely on a range of texts, from Chaucer to Achebe and from Milton to Morrison.
Teachers all over the world trust Project. This brand-new edition has been improved and updated in direct response to feedback from teachers. The tried and tested methodology, together with the wide range of material presenting real language in real contexts, will inspire a new generation of English learners from the ages of 9-10 years.
This photocopiable resource book contains a variety of games and activities designed to supplement your coursebook. • Each of the games and activities is designed to make learning fun • The material is easy to use: every activity has step-by-step instructions explaining what you need before class, how to set the activity up in the classroom and ideas for follow-up tasks.