Аудиокурс на проработку произношения. A practical English-language pronunciation program helps those listeners who speak English as a second language or speak American English with regional accents, offering a wide range of useful words, phrases, colloquial expressions, and more.
A Toolkit for Creative Teaching in Post-Compulsory Education
The book contains 50 brilliant activities that can be used in a variety of settings and applied to different subject areas. The authors give specific details relating to planning, preparation and implementation for each activity and, in addition, suggest a whole range of further variations for each activity to try out too!
A richly illustrated and valuable guide to the role of pictures and other visual materials in language teaching, this book brings together a wealth of ideas on how to use pictures in a wide range of language learning situations. It contains over 200 practical suggestions for picture-generated language work.
This collection of papers explores the theme of phonological strength. The general notion of strength plays a central role in explaining a variety of apparently disparate phonological effects relating to language acquisition, tone and pitch accent patterns, as well as segmental distribution. The authors analyze data from a wide range of languages and from a number of current theoretical perspectives.