Added by: zabanbaz | Karma: 1288.64 | Periodicals, Other | 14 June 2016
i-Magazine - July-December 2016
i Magazine is an journal published on an ongoing basis during the academic year. We publish the strongest scholarship and creative work produced by Baruch College undergraduate and graduate students, in order to foster a community of writers, readers, students, and teachers. We are especially interested in student work that facilitates teaching and learning. Submissions range from researched essays to science writing, poetry to multimedia projects. Please see our submission guidelines and submit your work!
Practice test for the TOEFL Junior – Standard test
English-language proficiency is an increasingly important skill for students worldwide as it provides access to a wide range of educational, personal and professional opportunities.
The Spectator’s mission is to entertain, inform, delight and infuriate our readers. From politics to culture, current affairs to reviews, a wide range of topics are intelligently commented on each week.
This lively series of modular textbooks provides an ideal means of delivering broad and balanced science. Covering the most popular modules of the leading modular science courses, Modular Science for the GCSE successfully meets the needs of the wide range of students studying for either single or double certificate GCSE modular science.
In this book, Steven R Rose presents the concepts, context and applications of a problem-solving approach to group work with children and adolescents who suffer from a wide range of social problems. The book addresses issues associated with assessment, problem recognition, planning and composition, leadership and activities in a wide range of settings. Phases of group work, practice guidelines and evaluation are also thoroughly considered.