This book provides a comprehensive introduction, which focuses on Morocco's history, provides a helpful synopsis of the kingdom, and is supplemented with a useful chronology of major events. Hundreds of cross-referenced dictionary entries on former rulers, current leaders, ancient capitals, significant locations, influential institutions, and crucial aspects of the economy, society and culture form the core of the book.
A bibliography of sources is included to promote further more specialized study.
Если не считать собственно указаний к проведению уроков курса, в этой книге преподаватели найдут один из самых удачных, на мой взгляд, сборников с дополнительными заданиями для того, чтобы разнообразить свои уроки, сделать их интереснее и веселее. Преподаватели всего мира ценят этот курс за продуманность и основательность программы, а также за большое разнообразие дополнительных материалов. Данное учебное пособие позволяет дать студентам прочные знания в области грамматики, акцентирует их внимание на наиболее часто употребляемых словах и выражениях, аз четко структурированные заданияэффективно развиваюткоммуникативные навыки учащихся. Cutting Edge is a multi-level general English course for adults and young adults. It combines rich international content, comprehensive grammar, and real-life functional language within a clear, easy-to-teach structure. Cutting Edge Teacher's Resource Book provides teachers with all the support they need in order to be able to use the course successfully in a variety of teaching situations.
Teacher's tips section with practical ideas on teaching vocabulary and grammar, using the Mini-dictionary and making speaking tasks work.
Step-by-step Teacher's notes with suggestions for alternative procedures and extension activities.
The integrated photocopiable Resource bank provides up to 30 hours of additional material to consolidate and extend the Students' Book. It includes learner-training worksheets, communicative activities to provide additional practice of grammar and vocabulary, and progress tests.
The lexical syllabus affords the learner a coherent learning opportunity. It does not dictate what will be learned and in what order. It offers the learner experience of a tiny but balanced corpus of natural language from which it is possible to make generalizations about the language as a whole. It then provides the learner with the stimulus to examine that mini-corpus in order to make those productive generalizations.
From relative obscurity, even at the time of his death in 1969, Jack Kerouac has risen to icon status with invigorated interest at all levels of scholarship and readership. This biography serves an important purpose in cutting through both the hagiography and the critical backlash that still surrounds the figure most closely identified with the Beat movement. Using the same structure--the events of his life-- that Kerouac himself utilized in writing his roman a clef novels such as On the Road, this biography provides an accessible alternative to current studies that will help readers, particularly students understand the creative legacy left by Kerouac.
"This work, the latest entry in Blackwell's "Companions to Literature and Culture" series. . . provides an inclusive and scholarly orientation to current theories and interpretation of Chaucer's works." "Each essay. . . places Chaucer's texts into cultural context by examining the medieval point of view, and includes notes, references, and suggestions for further readings." "The text. . . will serve well as a one-volume introduction for new students. It also provides access to original research and new ideas sought by graduate students and faculty." Library Journal