See why this book has become an international best seller and a true classic. The Writer's Journey explores the powerful relationship between mythology and storytelling in a clear, concise style that's made it required reading for movie executives, screenwriters, playwrights, scholars, and fans of pop culture all over the world. The updated and revised third edition provides new insights and observations from Vogler's ongoing work on mythology's influence on stories, movies, and man himself.
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Professional; 4 edition (1 Feb 2009)
Language English
Format: PDF
Size: 2.5 MB
Fully revised and updated-the go-to guide from an expert on international trade
Doing business across national borders is more profitable than ever. In the exhaustively revised fourth edition, Import/Export provides step-by-step guidance to show you how to take part in the booming world economy.
Edited by: Radobol - 22 August 2012
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A five-level general English course for 14-19 year-olds, who are also preparing for the school-leaving exam. The clear structure and step-by-step approach to communication provides supported language and skills training to get students speaking confidently. Class Audio CDs added Thanks to aliergun!
Analogical Modeling (AM) is an exemplar-based general theory of description that uses both neighbours and non-neighbours (under certain well-defined conditions of homogeneity) to predict language behaviour. This book provides a basic introduction to AM, compares the theory with nearest-neighbour approaches, and discusses the most recent advances in the theory, including psycholinguistic evidence, applications to specific languages, the problem of categorization, and how AM relates to alternative approaches of language description (such as instance families, neural nets, connectionism, and optimality theory).
Mike Gane provides an introduction to Baudrillard's cultural theory: the conception of modernity and the complex process of simulation. He examines Baudrillard's literary essays: his confrontation with Calvino, Styron, Ballard and Borges. Gane offers a coherent account of Baudrillard's theory of cultural ambience, and the culture of consumer society. And it provides an introduction to Baudrillard's fiction theory, and the analysis of transpolitical figures. The book also includes an interesting and provocative comparison of Baudrillard's powerful essay against the modernist Pompidou Centre in Paris and Frederic Jameson's analysis of the Bonaventure Hotel in Los Angeles. An interpretation of this encounter leads to the presentation of a very different Baudrillard from that which figures in contemporary debates on postmodernism.