Reinventing the Curriculum: New Trends in Curriculum Policy and Practice
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 3 August 2015
Scotland's Curriculum for Excellence offers an example of a different approach to national curriculum development. It combines what are claimed to be the best features of top-down and bottom-up approaches to curriculum development, and provides an indication of the broad qualities that school education should promote rather than a detailed description of curriculum content. Advocates of the approach argue that it provides central guidance for schools and maintains national standards whilst at the same time allowing schools and teachers the flexibility to take account of local needs when designing programmes of education.
T. S. Eliot is not only one of the most important poets of the twentieth century; as literary critic and commentator on culture and society, his writing continues to be profoundly influential. Every student of English must engage with his writing to understand the course of modern literature. This book provides the perfect introduction to key aspects of Eliot's life and work, as well as to the wider contexts of modernism in which he wrote.
The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. The two volumes include approximately 1550 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of about 400 authors edited by an editorial board of 9 historians and astronomers, and provides additional details on the nature of an entry and some summary statistics on the content of entries. This new reference provides biographical information on astronomers and cosmologists by utilizing contemporary historical scholarship.
Student math handbook - grade 1 Engage students in their learning with a textbook that highlights major mathematical words and ideas and provides math game directions.
Talk a Lot is not designed for self-study. The instructions make it clear that it's meant to be used in a classroom setting with an instructor, and the course relies heavily upon class discussion, show-and-tell activities, and small group work. This is a book for teachers, not students. Users may find that the course provides an innovative approach to ESL instruction, focusing strongly on speaking (and thinking) in English.