Introduction to Learning and Behavior, Third Edition
Designed to apply learning theory and principles to the presentation of learning, this text shows how learning principles work in both animals and people. Throughout the book, the authors show how the study of learning helps solve practical problems, such as improving study skills, improving relationships, raising children, and effectively stopping smoking. This book is both solidly based in research and engaging for the student. To help ensure that students understand the materials, the authors strategically include multiple opportunities for review and self-testing within the text.
Understanding Food: Principles & Preparation, 3ed
Understanding Food is a best-selling food fundamentals text ideal for an undergraduate course that covers the basic elements of food preparation, food service, and food science. It is contemporary in coverage, offers a thorough presentation, and introduces students to the variety of aspects associated with food preparation.
Study the central activities of a business including today's hot topics to learn accounting principles! INTERMEDIATE ACCOUNTING presents a user/decision making approach, combined with the necessary coverage of GAAP, to help you understand accounting in terms of what goes on in an actual business. The text's efficient format is not overwhelming, and it blends the core concepts of accounting principles with procedural applications. An expansive set of end-of-chapter material helps you prepare for exams.
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - 18th EditionExtensively revised and expanded by the world's leading physicians, Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 18e continues to set the standard as the pinnacle of current medical knowledge and practice, offering the definitive review of disease mechanisms and management.
Principles of Human Anatomy, a market-leading text through its many editions, successfully blends visual and textual elements to illuminate the complexities of human anatomy. The 12th edition raises the standard for excellence in this discipline with its enhanced illustration program, refined narrative, and the integrated design of dynamic resources like Real Anatomy into the curriculum. Applications representing a variety of clinical perspectives provide readers with both relevance and motivation, engaging students and providing insights into the vital contributions that anatomical knowledge brings to the understanding of functions, diagnosis and treatment of disease.