Rich Dad's Prophecy:
Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming... and How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It!
As recent events have proven, when it comes to retirement,
relying solely on a 401K plan is a sure recipe for disaster. By the
year 2012-10 years from now-the vast majority of Baby Boomers will be
on the verge of retirement-and they'll be looking to cash in on their
hefty 401K retirement packages. The problem is, according to Kiyosaki
and Lechter, that all of these people who religiously pumped thousands
of dollars over their working years into their 401Ks are going to be
crushed if their mutual funds just haven't performed. To avert this
financial crisis, Kiyosaki and Lechter provide a detailed financial
plan to help forward-looking people prepare for the worst and start
planning now.
Business growth is becoming increasingly dependent on partnerships, joint ventures, and other strategic alliances. Consequently, the ability of professionals to articulate their ideas well to others has become increasingly essential. How to Prepare, Stage, and Deliver Winning Presentations, now in a thoroughly updated edition, gives readers a proven and practical approach to increase their knowledge, capabilities, confidence, and success. The book provides proven, practical advice on communicating essential information when it matters most.
Interviewing: A Guide for Journalists and Writers by Gail Sedorkin , Judy McGregor
This practical guide to all aspects of interviewing for print and broadcast journalists demonstrates step-by-step how to manage the interview process, including how to prepare, what to do when you don't have time to prepare, the difference between "soft" and "hard" interviews, and how to make the most out of any interview situation.
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This shorter version of Barron’s full-size TOEFL iBT test prep manual has also been thoroughly revised to prepare students for the new internet-based test. It presents three model TOEFL iBTs, all with explanations or example answers. The author also provides an overview of the new test format and extensive test-taking advice. The audio CDs present audio prompts for the Listening, Speaking, and Writing sections in the book’s practice tests.