How to boost your English level and prepare to Matura.
So you have Matura soon and you want to be prepared well for the English part? Here are some tips how to do it. In fact, these hints are useful not only for Matura, as the mechanism of action is the same for any kind of language improving. For now, let's stick to Matura.
A great contemporary German philosopher attacks the explosive problem of political myth in our day, and reveals how the myth of the state evolved from primitive times to prepare the way for the rise of the modern totalitarian state. "A brilliant survey of some of the major texts in the history of political theory.
Students should focus on a single idea, one-idea-at-a-time, and interpret it, step-by-step according to the following process: • Scan through once to get the general idea • Look-up any unfamiliar vocabulary • Consider the relation of the parts to the whole • Interpret the meaning so is clear in your mind • Prepare to explain it in your own word If you are working in a group or a class, you can also go on to: • Discuss the saying within a peer-group • Exchange ideas and interpretations
The Marketing Plan - How to Prepare and Implement it 4th Ed.
Even if you’ve created marketing plans before—it doesn’t matter. The rules have changed. With the advent of Web 2.0 business strategies like Search Engine Optimization, Social Networking, Pay-Per-Click, and dozens more, it may seem like you need to start from scratch.
Semper Fi sets the stage for World War II and brings to life the men of the Marine Corps their loves and their loyalties as they steel themselves for battle, and prepare to make the ultimate sacrifice.