Placement Test 2Two test packs which provide an easy, practical way of grading students.
A reliable and efficient means of grading and placing students into classes.
Both Test Packs contain: 40 Test Papers; a practical introduction which outlines the Test and gives guidance on how to administer it; and a Levels Chart which helps determine realistic examination targets and suitable teaching material.
The tests are divided into two sections: a Listening Test and a Grammar Test .
Added by: Ptenez | Karma: 348.25 | Black Hole | 1 November 2009
The Penguin Readers Teacher’s Guide: Placement Tests have been designed to provide teachers with a quick and effective way of deciding whether students are ready to enjoy the next level of Penguin Readers. Can also be used as Grammar Tests.
Access is a four level course. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules. Placement test added Thanks to miaow!