Jest to program do nauki angielskiego, głownie słowek. Słowka wymawiane przez lektorow. W głownym menu do wyboru mamy słownik obrazkowy, rożnego typu ćwiczenia, zwroty oraz krzyżowki. Software for learning basic English vocabulary and phrases. The program is aimed for the learners at elementary level.
The Word Detective - Solving the Mysteries Behind Those Pesky Words and Phrases
Comic, skeptic, cyber-sleuth, syndicated columnist, and inspired wordsmith, Evan Morris is the Word Detective. He's an etymologist with a sense of humor, a lexicographer with an attitude. Morris's unique approach to language and his distinctive brand of absurdity have found a loyal following of readers curious about everything from soup to nuts--and that means the origins of the phrase soup to nuts, and thousands more words and phrases. This book is a collection of 150 of Morris's language columns, which appear in newspapers throughout the country and on his popular Web site.
Ingles Sin Barreras(Full Pack of Books and Manuals)
Instead of memorizing boring verbal conjugations and grammar rules, Inglés sin Barreras gives you real-life situations, with words and phrases that can be used immediately.
Merriam-Webster's Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
New title! Designed to help advance students master spoken and written English as it is actually used, this groundbreaking new dictionary provides in-depth and up-to-date coverage of basic English vocabulary, grammar, and usage. Outstanding features include nearly 100,000 words and phrases, more than 160,000 usage examples, more than 22,000 idioms, verbal collocations, and commonly used phrases, and more than 1,000 original drawings-including 16 pages of full color art. Abundant supplemental information includes 25 pages of grammar.