
An Introduction to English Phonology by April M. S. McMahon
Book Description
An Introduction to English Phonology
introduces undergraduates to the basic tools and concepts necessary for
the description of English phonological systems and processes. April
McMahon considers the justification for analytical tools like the
International Phonestic Alphabet and the difference between sounds and
spellings, so that students understand the rationale for what they are
learning. The crucial idea of phonological contrast is introduced very
early, with subsequent chapters covering the articulatory description
of vowels and consonants; variant realisations of vowels and consonants
in different contexts; and prosodic concepts, notably syllables and
stress. Throughout the book, there is emphasis on the range of
variation to be found in modern English phonology, with examples taken
not only from Standard Southern British English and General American,
but also New Zealand English, Scottish Standard English and Singaporean
English. |
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Tags: English, Introduction, phonological, tools, concepts |