The essays in this volume provide rich fodder for reflection on topics that are of urgent interest to all thinking people. Each one suggests new ways to contemplate our own role(s) in the production and promotion of evil. The authors encourage the reader to be challenged, outraged, and disturbed by what you read here. The eighth gathering of Global Perspectives on Evil and Human Wickedness, which took place in Salzburg in March 2007, provided a look at evil past, present, and future, from a broad spectrum of disciplinary perspectives.
Exams Extra provides authentic past papers from ESOL, plus a wealth of extra material for use in the classroom or for self-study. This title contains a useful exam overview and helpful guidance on tackling each part of each paper. The accompanying CD-ROM contains the same four papers that appear in the book, giving students the option of trying out the PET in electronic format.
The book provides systematic practice and development of students´ reading, use of English and writing skills at intermediate and upper-intermediate level. It offers excellent preparation for the revised FCE exam for December 2008, as well as any other examinations at the same level.
10 Practice tests (Papers 1, 2 and 3) providing thorough preparation for the Reading, Writing and Use of English papers of the revised FCE exam further practice on word distractors, "key" word transformation, words often confused, error correction, word formation, open cloze and multiple choice close
Настоящее пособие по английскому языку предназначено для учащихся средних школ России. Прежде всего оно представляет интерес для тех выпускников школ, которые готовятся сдавать выпускной экзамен в формате Единого государственного экзамена (ЕГЭ).