The papers in this volume derive from the 13th International Morphology Meeting (Vienna 2008). They all address the main topic of the meeting, viz. variation and change in morphology. Inflectional and derivational morphology are represented on equal terms. The focus is on cases of language-internal variation, such as pattern competition, base variation, form–function mismatches, or morphological pleonasm. Other recurring themes are language contact as a cause of variation, the output-orientedness of morphological patterns, and linguistic economy.
This book is a collection of linguistic and philosophical papers dealing with the semantic problems of determiners. The language under investigation is mostly English, although a few papers deal with French and German, and, to a lesser extent, with Dutch, Polish, Russian and Hebrew. The majority of the contributions focus on the semantics of the definite and indefinite articles, leading into discussions of anaphoricness, specificness, opacity and transparency, referentiality and attributiveness and genericness. The relation of the determiners to other parts of grammar, in particular relativisation and predication, is also investigated.
Contains 12 papers on negation in the history of English, most of them dealing with multiple negation or the mobility of the negative element. The contributions represent different theoretical and methodological approaches. Other papers seek functional explanations of the investigated problems.
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Bringing together papers from various subfields of theoretical linguistics, this volume gives a representative glimpse of current research of form and function in grammar. Its overarching topic is the relation between the major clause types and their canonical or idiosyncratic roles in discourse. Though none of the papers addresses the topic in its full breadth, they all make their specific contributions to it, scrutinizing the pertinent aspects of the grammatical interfaces and elaborating detailed case studies.