Biology Today supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical exams. Biology Today is committed to improving the quality of science education, enhancing students' interest in science, fostering their analytical ability and, most importantly helping thousands of young engineering and medical aspirants to become successful professionals – their cherished dream.
Mathematics Today is a pioneer magazine designed to cater to the needs of an IIT and engineering aspirant. The basic aim of Mathematics Today is to provide mechanisms to be used as a barometer by technical aspirants. It provides them an opportunity to get exposed to numerous complex problems which demand a high level of analytical ability and proficiency. This is one among the magazines which provides the latest pre-engineering solved papers and model test papers based on the new pattern. The levels of the questions are high enough to give your brain cells pain. In short, it is one of the best tools to tackle engineering entrance exams.
Physics For You supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical and engineering exams.
Insights from Research in Science Teaching and Learning: Selected Papers from the ESERA 2013 Conference
This book includes studies that represent the state of the art in science education research and convey a sense of the variation in educational traditions around the world. The papers are organized into six main sections: science teaching processes, conceptual understanding, reasoning strategies, early years science education, and affective and social aspects of science teaching and learning. The volume features 18 papers, selected from the most outstanding papers presented during the 10th European Science Education Research Association (ESERA) Conference, held in Nicosia, Cyprus, in September 2013.
Physics For You supplies the essential material such as important texts, sample papers, previous years’ papers, flowcharts and memory tips required for achieving success in pre-medical and engineering exams.