Diffusions, Superdiffusions and Partial Differential Equations
Interactions between the theory of partial differential equations of elliptic and parabolic types and the theory of stochastic processes are beneficial for both probability theory and analysis. At the beginning, mostly analytic results were used by probabilists. |
Tags: theory, results, analytic, mostly, probabilists, Superdiffusions, Differential, Partial |
If you drop your shoe and a coin side by side, they hit the ground at the same time. Why doesn't the shoe get there first, since gravity is pulling harder on it? How does the lens of your eye work, and why do your eye's muscles need to squash its lens into different shapes in order to focus on objects nearby or far away? These are the kinds of questions that physics tries to answer about the behavior of light and matter, the two things that the universe is made of. This is a (mostly) nonmathematical textbook also intended for general readers interested in physics. |
Tags: things, universe, mostly, matter, light |