- INFINITE DEBT: How Unlimited Interest Rates Destroyed the Economy by Thomas Geoghegan - SUBURBAN GHETTO: John Cheever, Misread and Misunderstood by Jonathan Dee - THE BLADE: A story by David Means - Also: Mark Twain on sound money & Ben Ehrenreich on Cambodia's Trials
Written by leading international scholars from a range of disciplines, Silicon Literacies examine the implications of electronic text.
From role-playing in computer games to eBay to Internet degree programs, this book reveals that being "computer-literate" entails an understanding of how different modalities combine to create meaning. The contributors of this book recognize that in the digital age reading and writing are only a part of what it means to be literate. This book facilitates an understanding of the ways in which new technology influences, shapes and even transforms the concept of literacy.
From stereoview cards to large-format IMAX films, 3-D technology’s heightened realism and powerful visual allure have held audiences captive for over a century and a half. The technology, known as stereoscopy, creates an illusion of depth by presenting two slightly different images to the eye in print or on-screen. The advent of stereoscopic film technology excited both filmmakers and audiences, as a means of replicating all of the sounds, colors, movement, and dimensionality of life and nature for the first time.
More than any other field in education, the social and cultural foundations of education reflect many of the conflicts, tensions, and forces in American society. This is hardly surprising, since the area focuses on issues such as race, gender, socioeconomic class, the impact of technology on learning, what it means to be educated, and the role of teaching and learning in a societal context.
Great story which can be listened in order to improve listening skills and test your or your students' comprehension skills by means of a bunch of exercises.