10 Ready-to-Go Math Performance Assessments (Grades 3-6)
Make math time magnificent with these engaging performance assessments that kids love. As they tally purchases for a charitable shopping spree or design an event for the Measurement Olympics, you'll be able to assess their mastery of mathematical skills and their ability to apply them to real-world problems.
According to the Common Core State Standards, students should be able to read closely to determine what a text says explicitly, make logical references from it, and cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text. Each of the 40 short, nonfiction passages in this collection includes companion comprehension questions that target these critical reading skills and give students the repeated practice they need to build mastery in identifying main idea and details, using context clues, distinguishing between fact and opinion, and more!
According to the Common Core State Standards, students should be able to read closely to determine what a text says explicitly, make logical references from it, and cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text. Each of the 40 short, nonfiction passages in this collection includes companion comprehension questions that target these critical reading skills and give students the repeated practice they need to build mastery in identifying main idea and details, using context clues, distinguishing between fact and opinion, and more!
According to the Common Core State Standards, students should be able to read closely to determine what a text says explicitly, make logical references from it, and cite specific textual evidence to support conclusions drawn from the text. Each of the 40 short, fiction and nonfiction passages in this collection includes companion comprehension questions that target these critical reading skills and give students the repeated practice they need to build mastery in identifying main idea and details, using context clues, distinguishing between fact and opinion, and more. For use with Grade 1.
Added by: babakinfos | Karma: 2211.42 | Fiction literature | 23 June 2019
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (annotated)
Huckleberry Finn, rebel against school and church, casual inheritor of gold treasure, rafter of the Mississippi, and savior of Jim the runaway slave, is the archetypical American maverick.
Mark Twain defined classic as "a book which people praise and don't read"; Huckleberry Finn is a happy exception to his own rule. Twain's mastery of dialect, coupled with his famous wit, has made Adventures of Huckleberry Finn one of the most loved and distinctly American classics ever written.