Educator or Bully?: Managing the 21st Century Classroom
Educator or Bully? offers a comprehensive approach to classroom management for both novice and veteran teachers who are interested in examining their current classroom management performance, especially with respect to how it reflects the characteristics of the 21st century classroom. Practices presented are based on sound educational theory. There is an emphasis on the responsibility the student should have in successful classroom management.
Cartoonist Scott Adams gives us still more corporate belly laughs with a point in Dogbert's Management Secrets Revealed, the 10th book based on his wildly popular Dilbert comic strip. Taken this time directly from the word processor of world-class consultant Dogbert, it focuses on critical management responsibilities like keeping up with fads, implementing pointless reorganizations and demanding status reports. "Leadership isn't something you're born with," it declares. "It's something you learn by reading Dogbert books."
Economics For Hotel Management explains the basic principle of economics and highlights the application of these principles to hotel management. The efficacy of economic principles at both the micro and macro levels in the hotel industry is emphasised throughout the book. The discussion of the concepts is illustrated through appropriate examples, diagrams and flowcharts for an easier understanding. The book would serve as an useful text for students of economics and hotel and tourism management.
The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Management, 12 Volume Set (2nd Edition)
Published: 2004 Pages: 4224 Language: English The second edition of this flagship business and management reference work is divided into 12 individual subject volumes
Language: English Pages: 172 Behind the closed doors of corporate management lurks a manifesto so devious, so insidious, and of such diabolic power, it has the ability to transform normal human beings into paradigm–spewing zombies. Its purpose: to help bosses stick it to their employees. Its author: none other than Dogbert, the canine corporate consultant out to rule the world.