Language can be studied from several angles. The focus on the relation between language, thought and culture is known as anthropological linguistics (AL). This text constitutes a basic introduction to the subject matter and techniques of AL. Traditionally, anthropological linguists have aimed to document and study the languages of indigenous cultures, especially North American ones.
The Syntax and Semantics of Discourse Markers: Continuum Studies in Theoretical Linguistics
This is a thorough overview of work on discourse markers covering a variety of approaches, from discourse analysis to computational linguistics. In this book, Miriam Urgelles-Col examines the syntax and semantics of discourse markers. A discourse marker can loosely be defined as an item such as well or now, coming at the beginning of an utterance and marking a boundary between one part of spoken discourse and the next, signalling the start of a new section of the discourse.
Goethe's Concept of the Daemonic: After the Ancients (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture)
For Plato, the daemonic is a sensibility that brings individuals into contact with divine knowledge; Socrates was also inspired by a "divine voice" known as his "daimonion." Goethe was introduced to this ancient concept by Hamann and Herder, who associated it with the aesthetic category of genius. This book shows how the young Goethe depicted the idea of daemonic genius in works of the Storm and Stress period, before exploring the daemonic in a series of later poetic and autobiographical works.
This book is the result of almost a decade of research in several related aspects of the linguistics of humor. As such, it is inevitably a composite and the result of a compromise between my desire to cover, on the one hand, as much as possible of the scholarship pertaining to humor research in linguistics and, on the other, my own research interests in the field. The book combines a representative, if not exhaustive, survey of the literature in the linguistics of humor, with critical analyses of the more significant approaches and my own original ventures...
The Routledge Handbook of Corpus Linguistics provides a timely overview of a dynamic and rapidly growing area with a widely applied methodology. Through the electronic analysis of large bodies of text, corpus linguistics demonstrates and supports linguistic statements and assumptions. In recent years it has seen an ever-widening application in a variety of fields: computational linguistics, discourse analysis, forensic linguistics, pragmatics and translation studies.