English Historical Linguistics 2008: Selected papers from the fifteenth International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL 15), Munich, 24-30 August 2008, Volume II: Words, texts and genres
The book should appeal to scholars interested in English etymology, the history of semantic fields and of word-formation, as well as in historical text linguistics, politeness strategies and standardization. It provides not only theoretical considerations but also a wealth of case studies.
Language permeates human interaction, culture, behavior, and thought. The Foundations of Modern Linguistics Series focuses on current research in the nature of language. Linguistics as a discipline has undergone radical change within the last decade. Questions raised by today's linguists are not necessarily those asked previously by traditional grammarians or by structural linguists. Most of the available introductory texts on linguistics, having been published several years ago, cannot be expected to portray the colorful contemporary scene.
The symposium on new directions in linguistics and semiotics that took place in Houston, Texas, on March 18 — 20, 1982, was held to celebrate the inauguration of the new Department of Linguistics and Semiotics at Rice University and its new doctoral program in linguistics. The symposium also marked the return of Sydney M. Lamb to full-time academic life after four years in the computer industry. The new department had grown out of an interdepartmental linguistics program, and the event brought to fruition almost two decades of effort by the linguistics faculty at Rice....
This volume, which has partly grown from a Round Table at the XIVth International Congress of Linguists, argues for a large amount of underlying unity in outlook among different frameworks in present-day linguistics: the contemporary Prague School; the Noematic approach; the UNITYP model; Integrational Linguistics; Natural Morphology; much recent work in phonology; and Popperian Interactionism as applied, in particular, to historical linguistics.
In this new edition of TUFS Studies in Linguistics, we aim to showcase the various linguistics research conducted at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies. In this first volume, we report on the international symposium hosted by the Global Center of Excellence Program "Corpus-based Linguistics and Language Education (CbLLE)" throughout 2008. Also in this collection, we consider the timeless linguistics issue of "variation" by utilizing the corpus analysis method. Whether socio-linguistic, stylistic or individual, variations manifest in a variety of ways throughout time and space and are closely related to issues surrounding linguistic theories.