Corpus linguistics is one of the most exciting approaches to studies in applied linguistics today. From its quantitative beginnings it has grown to become an essential aspect of research methodology in a range of fields, often combining with text analysis, CDA, pragmatics and organizational studies to reveal important new insights about how language works. This volume captures some of the most stimulating and significant developments in the field, including chapters on language teaching, institutional and professional discourse, English as an International Language, translation, forensics and media studies.
This book applies the theory of cognitive linguistics to the analysis of a variety of grammatical phenomena in non-Indo-European languages. In previous studies of languages from non-Indo-European families, cognitive linguistics has been remarkably useful in explaining non-prototypical structures as well as more common ones. The book expands that effort into a new set of families and languages.
Writing Essays in English Language and Linguistics: Principles, Tips and Strategies for Undergraduates
English language and linguistics shares many of its writing conventions with those of other disciplines, but there are certain features and expectations that distinguish it as a subject. This book is written specifically to help undergraduate students of English language and linguistics develop the art of writing essays, projects and reports. Written by an author with over 30 years' experience of lecturing in the subject, it is a comprehensive and very readable resource and contains numerous discipline-related examples, practice exercises and an answer key.
This book provides the first comprehensive overview of theoretical issues, historical developments and current trends in ICALL (Intelligent Computer-Assisted Language Learning). It assumes a basic familiarity with Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory and teaching, CALL and linguistics. It is of interest to upper undergraduate and/or graduate students who study CALL, SLA, language pedagogy, applied linguistics, computational linguistics or artificial intelligence as well as researchers with a background in any of these fields.
Containing contributions from leading researchers from around the world, this impressive collection is a must-have resource for any researcher, practitioner, or advanced student specializing in phonology, cognitive psychology, applied linguistics, and communication disorders.