This volume, originally published in Russian, combines data from a wide range of languages, meticulously analyzed, with a sophisticated theoretical apparatus capable of isolating the most important syntactic and semantic parameters and of drawing those generalizations that are most significant from a cross-linguistic perspective. Many ideas which are at best only hinted at in earlier literature – such as the precise relation among resultative, perfect, and stative, or correlations between resultative and passive voice – are here for the first time stated precisely and given a firm foundation by means of detailed exemplification from a wide range of languages.
The volume's central concern is grammatical voice, traditionally known as diathesis, and its classical manifestations as Active, Middle, and Passive. While numerous problems in the meaning, syntax, and morphology of these categories in Indo-European remain unsolved, their counterparts in more exotic languages have raised still further questions. What discourse functions and diachronic events unite 'voice' as a recognizable phenomenon across languages? How are they typically grammaticalized? What stages do children go through in learning them? How does 'voice' link up with ergativity and with other categories and constructions such as the Inverse and the Antipassive?
Introduction to Avestan (Brill Introductions to Indo-European Languages, Book 1)
This Introduction to Avestan provides a concise grammar of the Avestan language, the language of the followers of the Iranian prophet Zarathustra. The grammar focuses on spelling, phonology and morphology, but also includes a chapter on syntax.
Information Structure and Syntactic Change in Germanic and Romance Languages
The contributions of this volume offer new perspectives on the relation between syntax and information structure in the history of Germanic and Romance languages, focusing on English, German, Norwegian, French, Spanish and Portuguese, and both from a synchronic and a diachronic perspective.
The twelve articles in this volume describe Yeniseic, Samoyedic and Siberian Turkic languages as a linguistic complex of great interest to typologists, grammarians, diachronic and synchronic linguists, as well as cultural anthropologists.