Discourse analysis considers how language, both spoken and written, enacts social and cultural perspectives and identities. In this book, James Paul Gee introduces the field and presents his unique integrated approach to it. Assuming no prior knowledge of linguistics, the author presents both a theory of language-in-use and a method of research.
This book is designed especially for the literary student of English, and provides a single compact grammar primarily concerned with Classical Old English, rather than the other Old English dialects. The book takes a descriptive approach and avoids assuming a knowledge of Germanic philology. The introduction provides a minimum background of knowledge and indicates the kinds of evidence on which the grammatical description is based.
TKT Glossary book consists the list of words that are used in this test. The words in this glossary are entered into categories to help the reader. Some entries fall into more than on actegory. Howerver, to economisr on space they have only enterd once. Candidates preparing for specific modules should, therefore, ensure that they are familiar with all the terms in the glossary.
Strategists describe networking and being able to access knowledge as the leading path to gaining a competitive advantage.
This book gathers contributions of scholars from multi-disciplinary fields to illustrate, compare, and discuss models, perspectives, and approaches involved in the distribution, administration, and transmission of knowledge across organizations.