Teaching about Teaching clearly demonstrates how teaching about teaching knowledge (pedagogy) is a cornerstone in the development of quality teacher education and how this knowledge must be articulated throughout the teaching profession.
The Navy’s official guide is now available in a popularly priced edition. This is the most rigorous and comprehensive fitness manual currently available. Becoming Navy SEAL tough requires will, determination and knowledge. The Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide supplies the knowledge; the rest is up to you. Well illustrated with charts, diagrams and tables.
Teaching Photography: Tools for the Imaging Educator
Teaching Photography will show you how to help your students expand their knowledge and abilities in the techniques, the aesthetics, and the way photography fits into a greater world of knowledge, by providing ideas for inspiring conversations and critiques, as well as insightful pointers regarding the learner's perspective in this new world.
This is an introduction to the structure of sentences in human languages. It assumes no prior knowledge of linguistic theory and little of elementary grammar. It will suit students coming to syntactic theory for the first time either as graduates or undergraduates. It will also be useful for those in fields such as computational science, artificial intelligence, or cognitive psychology who need a sound knowledge of current syntactic theory.
Parenting magazine is the nation's premier magazine for moms. Each issue contains age-specific child development guidance, information and tips on health and safety, and the best proven ways to stimulate your child's learning. Parenting is a great source of knowledge for new, expectant, and experienced moms everywhere.