Professional Woman’s Magazine (PWM) is dedicated to promoting the advancement of multi-cultural diverse women in all aspects of business and employment to ensure equal opportunity. PWM covers news information ranging from professional concerns to civic affairs, trends, careers and business, life-style issues, the arts, education, finance, health, technology, family, travel all of which impact a professional woman.
Mankiw's Macroeconomics is popular, widely adopted and well-known for clearly communicating the principles of Macroeconomics in a concise and accessible way. The fifth edition maintains those core features that have made it the best-selling Macroeconomics text in Europe, i.e. a balance of coverage between short- and long-run issues, an integration of Keynesian and classical ideas, a variety of simple models and the incorporation of real world issues and data through case studies and FYI boxes. An outstanding package of support materials, includes the student web-support site 'Macrobytes'.
The topic of distance teaching and online learning associated technologies and applications covers a galaxy of ideas, concepts, issues, concerns, and opportunities.
Азы английского слэнга и деловой переписки, или книжка с картинками в двух частях, повествующая, как можно проще и ненавязчивей, о двух совершенно разных подходах к английскому языку и ставящая целью снятие проблем в разговорной английской речи и в деловой переписке.
This book deals with problems of slang and business language. Like all Goldenkov's issues this one is easy-to-read and resourceful. It would be very useful for everyone who wants to sound and write in an authentic way.
PDF version added by englishcology :)
Edited by: stovokor - 8 March 2009
Reason: pdf ver added by englishcology. pub updated
This second edition of Child Psychology: A Handbook of Contemporary Issues reflects the increasingly sophisticated and varied research methods used to examine the highly complex interactions contributing to children's cognitive, emotional, and social development. Those chapters that appeared in the previous edition have been thoroughly updated and new chapters by outstanding researchers have been introduced. In addition, there is an entirely new section on Adolescence and thorough coverage of salient Ecological Influences, which make this second edition a truly comprehensive resource on the important issues in child psychology. The volume is divided into five sections - Infancy, Preschool Years, Childhood, Adolescence, and Ecological Influences.