Children's language difficulties affect many areas of functioning and devlopment. Since most children with these difficulties are expected to function in ordinary schools and nurseries it is important that parents, teachers and practitioners have a broad understanding of the issues. Language and communication problems typically fall under the umbrella terms 'language disability, 'language delay', or 'language difficulties. They can range from an occasional difficulty with certain sounds to an inability to communicate using spoken language.
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The layoff survival guide for today's job hunters--what everyone needs to know about getting fired, getting inspired, and getting hired. Losing a job can be devastating-financially, professionally, and emotionally. This comprehensive guide, written by a career consultant with a background in psychiatric therapy, goes further than other job search guides by addressing the full range of issues facing the newly unemployed--from dusting off old resumes, polishing networking skills, and preparing for interviews.
Teaching is a profession which is so enormous and so packed with significance that the issues related to it have a consistently high ranking with members of society in virtually every public opinion poll. These issues include multicultural education, teacher training and accreditation, burn-out, teaching under conditions particular to a world-wide certain country, student behaviour and preparation, computers in the classroom, parental influence on the teaching process, the changing curriculum and ...
Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH. Provides an authoritative review of diagnostic, clinical, and management issues in neurocritical care. Offers guidelines for organizing a neurosciences critical care unit and focuses on both neurologic and neurosurgical conditions. Also addresses bioethical issues. Abundant illustrations.