Handbook is intended principally for teachers and course designers who are, or intend to become, involved in preparing candidates for CAE Exam. Handbooks usually include a general description for each paper, information on structure and tasks, the different parts of the individual papers, preparation information and marking information. Booklets also include a sample exam with an answer key.
The leading text in technical writing, Reporting Technical Information introduces students to all aspects of technical communication, including letters, proposals and progress reports, recommendation reports, research reports, instructions, and oral reports. Continuing the esteemed tradition of its predecessors, the tenth edition provides students with a solid foundation in technical communication and adds material on the most recent developments in the field. Reporting Technical Information, 10/e, begins with the basic strategies of composing and writing, progresses to techniques of technical communication, and closes by applying those techniques to document creation and design.
Part of the popular Secrets series, this helpful reference presents basic physical therapy concepts and then introduces different healing modalities, specialties and orthopedic procedures typically prescribed for common injuries such as shoulders and extremities. Common diseases are included as well as more innovative diagnostic tools for physical therapists such as radiology. Each chapter features concise information that includes the author's tips, memory aids and "secrets." Bulleted lists, algorithms and illustrations provide a quick review of the specific topic discussed. The information is entirely evidence-based, outcome based and up-to-date.
MyGrammarLab is a unique blend of book, online and mobile resources that ensures you have all the information and practice you need to master English grammar.
Clear and easy to understand explanations of grammatical rules ; - authentic examples illustrating the rules of grammar; - various types of tasks for training, retention and use of grammatical forms in everyday situations; - information about common mistakes in grammar and pronunciation; - each level grammar textbooks correlated with the scale of the Euro- nN (Common European Framework).
A set of English-Polish mini dictionaries for professional English coursebooks. Phonetic version included. See the table of content for full information.