Learning to learn is the key skill for tomorrow. This breakthrough book builds the foundation every student needs, from freshman orientation to graduate school Recent advances in brain science show that most students’ learning strategies are highly inefficient, ineffective or just plain wrong. While all learning requires effort, better learning does not require more effort, but rather effectively aligning how the brain naturally learns with the demands of your studies. This book shows you what is involved in learning new material, how the human brain processes new information, and what it takes for that information to stick with you even after the test.
This book is addressed to systemic practitioners from all psychosocial fields. It provides a set of practical everyday tools as well as being a reference book presenting specific and helpful information - of particular importance to anyone learning the trade in their first years of practice. The authors, experienced in training,consultation,therapy and supervising, take the reader step by step through the various phases of systemic work: observation,understanding,recording of information,clarification,forming hypothesis, defining aims, planning and application.
This book addresses how core notions of information structure (topic, focus and contrast) are expressed in syntax.The authorspropose that the syntactic effects of information structure come about as a result of mapping rules flexible enough to allow topics and foci to be expressed in a variety of positions, but strict enough to capture certain cross-linguistic generalisations about their distribution. Syntactic and semantic evidence from a range of languages are discussed.
Presenting Facts and Figures: Business English SkillsIntermediate level
Presents and practices the language which business and professional people need to communicate clearly and effectively about data. All the figures and situations have been updated in the book and on the accompanying cassette. It is suitable for students working in class or on their own.
The Washington Manual Subspecialty Consult Series is designed to provide quick access to the essential information needed to evaluate a patient on a subspecialty consult service. The Washington Manual of Hematology and Oncology subspecialty consult has been completely reviewed, revised, and follows the bulleted format and template of The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 33/e to allow for quick,readily accessible information.