In this highly acclaimed revision, grammatical descriptions and teaching suggestions are organized into sections dealing with Form, Meaning, and Use. THE GRAMMAR BOOK helps teachers and future teachers grasp the linguistic system and details of English grammar, providing more information on how structures are used at the discourse level.
Get the BIG PICTURE of Pathology - and focus on what you really need to know to score high on the course and board exam If you want a streamlined and definitive look at Pathology - one with just the right balance of information to give you the edge at exam time - turn to Pathology: The Big Picture.
The Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology is the first work to map this ever-changing field. It is the most comprehensive, research-based encyclopedia consisting of contributions from over 900 noted researchers in over 50 countries. This five-volume encyclopedia includes more than 550 articles highlighting current concepts, issues and emerging technologies.
Your guide to passing the U.S. Citizenship Test and becoming a citizen This guide helps you learn about the history and government of the United States and improve your English skills. As you review the information and practice answering questions, you will become more comfortable taking the written and oral U.S. Citizenship tests in English.
Newspapers, books, magazines, and the Internet tell us what we want to know when we want to know it. Reports, memos, e-mails, and voice mail help us transmit and receive information quickly and easily. With so much information coming at us constantly, it's no wonder many of us are living with information anxiety. Odette Pollar, productivity specialist and author of Crisp's best-selling Organizing Your Work Space, empowers readers to dig out of the avalanche of information they are bombarded with daily and to take back control of their time in her new book, Surviving Information Overload.