It is a fact that tense, aspect and modality together form one of the most recurring and active areas of research in contemporary syntax and semantics, as well as in other disciplines of linguistics. A large number of syntactic and semantic phenomena are concerned by the temporal-aspectual-modal level of representation: information about time, aspect and modality is part of virtually all sentences; inflexion is quite widely considered as the core of syntactic projections. Because of this very crucial situation and role in the sentence structure, temporal-aspectual and modal information concerns virtually any part of the sentence and this information has scope over the whole characterization of the eventuality denoted by the sentence.
This encyclopedia includes features such as: more than 3,500 entries on religious movements and concepts, historical and legendary figures, divinities, religious sites and ceremonies; more than 600 images that show sacred places, vestments, rituals, objects, and texts; 32 pages of full-colour artwork and maps; easy-to-use A-Z format; information on the pronunciation and origins of religious terms; and, thousands of cross-references for research and browsing.
Authored and edited by one of the world's most prominent neuroradiologists, this innovative text is certain to become the new standard among diagnostic brain imaging references. The second volume in the new Diagnostic Imaging Series from Amirsys and Saunders, it features a templated full-color format that makes finding information much easier. Each chapter presents all of the information readers need to pinpoint a diagnosis. Coverage of each entity addresses Clinical Presentation · Pathologic Features · Imaging Findings for the appropriate modalities · and Differential Diagnosis lists. In addition, chapters have detailed anatomic drawings in full color, an extensive image case gallery, and a visual "thumbnail" differential diagnosis. Numerous surgical, gross and histologic pathology photographs are included. No other neuro imaging text is as comprehensive and user-friendly. The unique bulleted format provides efficient reading, with the same information in the same placeevery time! It's as if an expert has done the highlighting for you!
The majority of the information in these volumes was provided by the U.S. Department of State and is the most recent release of that information as of March 2008. However, changes in countries and governments occur rapidly. Therefore, the reader is advised to check directly with the consulate of the country he or she intends to visit before making final plans.
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Exam Materials » SAT | 14 October 2008
You have taken hundreds of tests during your time in school. Most of these tests have evaluated your knowledge of a subject or your mastery of a skill. The SAT II: U.S. History Test is no different. The test makers write questions to see how well you remember and understand U.S. history and social science concepts and generalizations. While this examination may seem especially challenging, like other standardized tests, if you have studied and you know some test-taking techniques, you can do well.
Throughout this book you will find information that describes and explains the SAT II: U.S. History Test. In the Red Alert! section, you will find some basic information as well as tips to help you ace the test. Use this section and the chapters that follow as a study guide to complement your regular U.S. history course work.