This encyclopedia gives a wealth of information about: Ireland's history, its modern-day institutions, politics, and government; towns and places in Ireland, including tourist attractions; Irish men and women in all fields of activity; and Ireland's notable cultural heritage, literature, music, film, and sport. The work should appeal to anyone looking for reliable information about Ireland and its place in Europe.
Each book in the DK Readers series is specially crafted to suit the interests and learning stage of beginning readers. The five levels progress from easy-to-follow stories with simple sentences and word repetition to more sophisticated storylines, sentence structure, and vocabulary as children enjoy full-color photographs, sidebars and definition boxes, and lots of exciting information about the topics they love. In this book: We can make our world a cleaner and healthier place to live. Join Sophie and Spencer to find out how.
The best health practices are a synthesis of science and art. Surgery is a case in point. Although all competent surgeons follow scientific protocols, the best surgeons are masters of the art of surgery and produce better outcomes: e.g., smaller incisions; lower mortality rates. Psychotherapists are in exactly the same position. Psychotherapy is both a science and an art. There are excellent resources that convey information about empirically supported practices - the science of psychotherapy. However, this scientific information is incomplete in two important ways...
NCLEX-RN® Audio Media - MP3 format of a live review that you can listen to over and over. The books help augment the media. Worth $133, includes shipping. # Awesome facilitators that make the complicated simple # Teaching strategies that "connect the dots" so information makes sense # Use of creative and FUN ways to learn # Use of images to help you remember
The latest information on wound care in a comprehensive yet portable resource. Written by the chair of the Education Committee of the Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Association, this is the first text on wound care to be both comprehensive in scope yet small enough to fit into a lab coat pocket. All of the latest information on wound care is now available at your fingertips. Part of the new Nurse to Nurse series, this title features coverage of the principles behind acute as well as chronic wounds. The authors include assessment and evaluation principles, how to stage or classify any wound, and practical hints on wound measurement and wound care. You will also find documentation and reimbursement tips for many healthcare settings.