This magazine showcases the most advanced international fashion designers and their innovative ideas in architecture, home fashions and the decorative arts. It provides the latest information on the top interior designers and architects and offers a detailed shopping guide in each issue.
A concise strategic and legal guide for both buyers and sellers at large and small companies, Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z is a practical, hands-on resource for anyone involved in any merger or acquisition. Written in clear, jargon-free language, the book provides extensive, easy-to-understand information on the entire transaction, including an overview of tax and accounting considerations, drafting legal documents, and analyzing projected financial gain. Thoroughly revised to reflect the latest changes in the business environment, the new edition features: * The latest trends and best practices for structuring profitable deals * New due diligence rules and strategies in the age of Sarbanes-Oxley * Guidelines for keeping deals on track and managing post-closing challenges * And much more Written for those already involved in M&A deals or considering a move in that direction, Mergers and Acquisitions from A to Z demystifies the entire process.
Cyberfeminism and Artificial Life examines construction, manipulation and re-definition of life in contemporary technoscientific culture. It takes a critical political view of the concept of life as information, tracing this through the new biology and the changing discipline of artificial life and its manifestation in art, language, literature, commerce and entertainment. From cloning to computer games, and incorporating an analysis of hardware, software and 'wetware', Sarah Kember demonstrates how this relatively marginal field connects with, and connects up global networks of information systems. As well as offering suggestions for the evolution of [cyber]feminism in Alife environments, the author identifies the emergence of posthumanism; an ethics of the posthuman subject mobilized in the tension between cold war and post-cold war politics, psychological and biological machines, centralized and de-centralized control, top-down and bottom-up processing, autonomous and autopoietic organisms, cloning and transgenesis, species-self and other species. Ultimately, this book aims to re-focus concern on the ethics rather than on the 'nature' of life-as-it-could-be.
Country Living offers a wealth of inspiration and practical advice on homes and decorating, gardening, seasonal food and craft, alongside up-to-date information on health, rural affairs, nature and the environment.