Acquisition of Word Order in Chinese as a Foreign Language
Wenying Jiang - Acquisition of Word Order in Chinese as a Foreign Language In this book, linguistic achievements of word order studies in Chinese have been applied to Chinese second language acquisition research. By analyzing a great number of word order errors made by learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL), this book has developed a method for describing and explaining Chinese word order errors.
CLOSE UP – A Photomotivational Text – Writing Activities for English as a Foreign Language
Motivation is perhaps the key that leads to continued success in the learning process, and how to motivate students has long been a recurring challenge for the classroom teacher of every discipline. CLOSE UPis the pictorial text where photographs are used as the motivating element that will lead to both written and oral communication in English in the EFL classroom.
12 colourful books for children studying English language. Each page contains some illustrations. Each book - history with the plot. The best grant for the first acquaintance to a foreign language.
Imperial Brain Trust: The Council on Foreign Relations and United States Foreign Policy
News stories and academic studies often focus on the options chosen by a president and his officials during a crisis. Central to such decisions, however, are the forces that determine what options show up on the agenda and what options do not even make it to the table. Imperial Brain Trust, published in 1977, is the classic study of the Council on Foreign Relations, an organization that has, for decades, played a central behind the scenes role is shaping such foreign policy choices.