Captain John Smith's 1607 voyage to Jamestown was not his first trip abroad. He had traveled throughout Europe, been sold as a war captive in Turkey, escaped, and returned to England in time to join the Virginia Company's colonizing project. In Jamestown migrants, merchants, and soldiers who had also sailed to the distant shores of the Ottoman Empire, Africa, and Ireland in search of new beginnings encountered Indians who already possessed broad understanding of Europeans. Experience of foreign environments and cultures had sharpened survival instincts on all sides and aroused challenging questions about human nature and its potential for transformation.
Der Anfängerkurs - Schnell zum Erfolg in Englisch
The practical self-study and refresher course for beginners who want to acquire a sound basic knowledge - with two audio CDs and a Grammar Trainer on CD-ROM. *Level: A1to A2
* Suitable:For those whowant to learn aforeignlanguage quicklyand easily
Teacher’s Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction, Fourth Edition
Teach foreign language effectively with TEACHER'S HANDBOOK: CONTEXTUALIZED LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, 4th Edition. Designed to prepare you to teach foreign language, this handbook incorporates the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century, and provides a practical framework for integrating the Five C's into foreign language teaching.
The program is intended for watching videos (avi, mkv, mp4) with subtitles (srt), listening to audiobooks (mp3) with subtitles (srt, lrc) and reading texts (txt, rtf). It is made specially for languages learners (for English learners first of all). The basic feature of the player is the opportunity of fast translation of words of contexts in dictionaries connected to the program, and also in external electronic dictionaries.
The entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty entails sweeping changes with respect to foreign investment regulation. Most prominently, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) now contains in its Article 207 an explicit competence for the regulation of foreign direct investment as part of the Common Commercial Policy (CCP) chapter. With this new competence, the EU will become an important actor in the field of international investment politics and law. The new empowerment in the field of international investment law prompts a multitude of questions.