Forward-Looking Decision Making: Dynamic Programming Models Applied to Health, Risk, Employment, and Financial Stability
Individuals and families make key decisions that impact many aspects of financial stability and determine the future of the economy. These decisions involve balancing current sacrifice against future benefits. People have to decide how much to invest in health care, exercise, their diet, and insurance. They must decide how much debt to take on, and how much to save. And they make choices about jobs that determine employment and unemployment levels.
Corporate Finance (with Thomson ONE - Business School Edition) 2010
Focus on the financial concepts, skills, and technological applications that are most critical in today's workplace with CORPORATE FINANCE: A FOCUSED APPROACH, 4E. This lean text provides an in-depth treatment of topics essential to corporate finance within a streamlined presentation you can easily complete in a single semester. Review the latest financial developments -- from the collapse of the sub-prime mortgage market to the financial and the global economic crisis -- as you learn how to maximize a firm's value in today's changed world.
Health Care Finance: Basic Tools for Nonfinancial Managers
This is the most practical financial management text for those who need basic financial management knowledge and a better understanding of healthcare finance in particular. Using actual examples from hospitals, long-term care facilities, and home health agencies, this user-friendly text includes practical information for the nonfinancial manager charged with budgeting.
Analysis for Financial Management is a paperback text and has been written to present standard techniques and modern developments in a practical and intuitive manner. It is intended for non-financial managers and business students interested in the practice of financial management. The emphasis is on the managerial applications of financial analysis.
The Essentials of Finance and Accounting for Nonfinancial Managers
Outside of the accounting and finance departments, not many business people are interested in the finer points of financial reports. But every manager must have a thorough understanding of what their finance and accounting staffs do, why they do it, and what these reports really mean.
This indispensable book demystifies the role that accounting and finance play in a corporation and demonstrates how financial decisions are manifestations of company goals. The author's crystal-clear examples show how managers can connect corporate financial information directly to their own strategies and actions.