Цель данного пособия – подготовить учащихся к сдаче единого государственного экзаме-на по английскому языку. Лексически, грамматически и тематически пособие соответст-вует требованиям, предъявляемым к выпускникам школ с углубленным изучением анг-лийского языка. Однако оно может быть использовано и для подготовки учащихся обще-образовательных школ к сдаче ЕГЭ, а также для развития навыков аудирования, чтения, говорения и письма у всех изучающих английский язык.
Discover techniques and insights that will make writing your assignment enjoyable as well as successful. This is a practical book that gives you the tools and planning techniques for making light work of assignments, essays, reports and dissertations. Examples and mini case studies show the difference between good and bad practice. Self-evaluation exercises ensure you stay on the right track. My own students tell me they have found this book really useful.'- Pauline Smith
This Grammar and Language Workbook offers sequential language instruction along with extensive drill and practice in grammar, usage, and mechanics. This important tool includes a handbook as well as vocabulary, spelling, and composition lessons.
The explanations and exercises in this workbook are adapted for grade 10 in US high schools, but can also very well be used for ESL teaching and reviewing (at the appropriate stage).
This book is designed for the higher grades in grammar schools, and for those classes in high schools, academies, and ungraded schools that require a brief, practical, progressive course in English grammar. The aim of the work is to give the pupil a mastery of the fundamental facts of English grammar, and to lead him to use that knowledge in the interpretation of literature and in the expression of his own thought.
This is an alphabet book I have mostly created myself. The cover picture is taken from Happy Alphabet Book, but most of the exercises are my own. The first part of the book presents the letters in threes and fours, followed by exercises for each group of letters, with constant revision. The second part of the book, Homework sheets, consists of handwriting sheets taken from an alphabet site (unfotunately i have forgotten which). The third part of the book are letter and picture alphabet cards for children to cut out. My kids loved it last year. I hope you like it as well