Many years ago, in Denmark, there lived a man and his three sons. The eldest son knew the whole dictionary by heart. The middle son knew every word that had been printed in the newspapers for three years back. Hans, the youngest son, was quite different. He was not so learned as his brothers so everyone called him clumsy Hans. But it is clumsy Hans who wins the princess at the end of the story.
Little Critter® shares what he knows about his neighbors and the places to go in Critterville. Who delivers the mail? Where does Little Critter go to see a movie? Who keeps everyone safe? Come explore the town with Little Critter and discover where everyone works and plays!
This Is My Town is a simple story, ideal for emergent readers who are eager to know about who does what and where everything happens in their own towns.
LINGUISTICS FOR EVERYONE: AN INTRODUCTION, Second Edition, connects the study of linguistics to the language you use every day. The text is very user-friendly: casual writing style, logical presentation of material, balance of theoretical and practical, entertaining information, and lots of ideas and activities to put what you learn to use right away.
Unthink is a book that will inspire everyone to realize that we are capable of so much more than we have pre-conditioned for. Creativity is not in one special place--and it is not in one special person. Creativity is everywhere and in everyone who has the courage to unleash their creative genius.