Reginald Hill - Midnight Fugue Gina Wolfe arrives in north Yorkshire seeking her missing husband, believed dead. Her new fiance, a policeman in the Met, suggests the caustic copper Andy Dalziel might be of help - and everyone involved discovers that dark events of years ago have a way of causing troubling eruptions in the present.
From the debauchery of Tiberius to the sloth of George IV, Michael Farquhar takes us on a roller-coaster journey through the history of monarchs and despots and illustrates the maxim that 'absolute power corrupts absolutely'. Whether throwing their enemies from cliff tops or merely seducing everyone in sight, kings, queens and popes throughout the ages seem to have let their privileged positions go to their heads. This anecdotal account is both amusing and illuminating.
Babe loves everything on the farm. Everything, that is, except the scary, echoing cellar! But after Farmer Hoggett gets lost in the cellar, Babe must face his fears. Everyone's favorite pig must get brave and go to the rescue!
From the very outset in the West—from the time of Homer himself in about 750 BCE—the epic has been the most highly regarded of literary genres. It is rivaled only by tragedy, which arose a bit more than two centuries later, as the most respected, the most influential, and, from a slightly different vantage point, the most prestigious mode of addressing the human condition in literary terms. The major epics are the big boys, the works that, from the very outset, everyone had heard of and everyone knew, at least by reputation.