From hardy Nantucket whalers to Elizabethan sea dogs, from grizzled fishermen in Nova Scotia to the crews of clipper ships, the men who made their living on the sea left as part of their legacy a remarkable contribution to the English language. An astonishing variety of words, sayings, and idiomatic expressions are explained in alphabetically organized entries in this authoritative and entertaining work. Illustrations
In approximately 200 articles ranging from one paragraph to several pages and covering everything from John Adams to the Whiskey Rebellion, Grizzard (political science, Middle Tennessee State Univ.) gives us anyone, anyplace, or anything at all relevant to George Washington. Each of the alphabetically arranged entries includes the topic or name, the date, the significance to Washington, cross references to related entries in the book, and a short bibliography; sometimes, extensive background information is given that thoroughly explains the topic's place in Washington's life.
The Ezra Pound Encyclopedia Greenwood Press | 2005 | ISBN: 0313304483 | 368 pages | PDF
This encyclopedia is a concise yet comprehensive guide to his life and writings. Included are more than 250 alphabetically arranged entries on Pound's acquaintances, publications, and interests. The entries are written by roughly 100 expert contributors and cite works for further reading. In addition, the encyclopedia closes with a selected, general bibliography.
The most comprehensive women's biographical dictionary on the market. Unlike other women-focused dictionaries, most of which focus on a small number of famous women, this two-volume dictionary contains more than 20,000 brief biographical entries. Created by the same editorial team that produced the Dartmouth Award-winning "Women in World History", this ambitious work will profile women throughout time and throughout the world. The concise, fact-filled entries will provide instant access to a particular woman's personal background and significance in history.
The latest title in the outstanding Facts on File 'American Scientists' series is "American Scientists" which is a compendium of biographical profiles of the men and women in every scientific discipline who are acknowledged contributors to their respective fields of study. Organized alphabetically for ease of use as a general reference, almost 300 entries highlight the lives and contributions of scientists who have significantly impacted society in general and the scientific community in particular.