Audio course Sita Let's Talk Business is aimed for active people who would like to acquaint with vocabulary and phrases from the world of business at elementary and lower intermediate level.
Довольно новая серия учебников Smart. Данная книга предназначена для подростков 10-13 лет. Очень много уроков "вплетают" в себя какие-то элементы компьютерной тематики: электронная почта, интернет, даже общая сюжетная линия учебника - история о детях, попавших в киберпространство ("NetPals in CyberSpace"). Достаточно много внимания уделяется работе в группах и парной работе.
Данное издание ранее не появлялось в интернете и было отсканировано специально для
This great value manual features 194 photocopiable worksheets and tests. The book is divided into six parts of grammar, vocabulary, spelling, reading, speaking & listening and research. The worksheets features topics: • Alphabet Fun • Common Irregular Verbs • Countable and Uncountable Nouns • How to Get from Bed to Work in 27 Easy Steps! – Fill in the Blanks • 50 Popular Female/Male Names in the UK • Accessories and many more...
This little book is especially concerned with those portions of ”advanced calculus” in which the subtlety of the concepts and methods makes rigor difficult to attain at an elementary level. The approach taken here uses elementary versions of modern methods found in sophisticated mathematics. The formal prerequisites include only a term of linear algebra, a nodding acquaintance with the notation of set theory, and a respectable first-year calculus course (one which at least mentions the least upper bound (sup) and greatest lower bound (inf) of a set of real numbers). Beyond this a certain (perhaps latent) rapport with abstract mathematics will be found almost essential.
New Headway Elementary - the THIRD edition brought right up-to-date, with new topics and new features. The Student's Book, Workbook, Teacher's Book, Teacher's Resource Book, Audio CD, and CD-ROM have all been revised.
Teacher's book added Thanks to vcherasko!/ converted by decabristka