The present book was prepared for the 10th International Congress on Mathematical Education, 4-11 July 2004, Copenhagen, with the aim to give an idea on what does represent 'Gazeta Matematica' for the Romanian mathematical education system. The journal whose name is written quite similar to other languages is the oldest and most respecable Romanian periodical on elementary mathematics, which has been issued continuously as a monthly ever since its foundation in 1895.
A supplementary booklet for Polish teachers working with Adventures Elementary coursebook - level A1. Contains additional exercises, worksheets, self-assessment cards, description of the Common European Framework as well as Common Principles and Guidelines.
Imagine a Founding Father visiting a classroom today, or a sailor from the War of 1812, an Amish man, a 19th Century pioneer, or even a Civil War veteran. Ronald Morris has spent more than 25 years bringing these characters into classrooms and inspiring other educators to do the same. He now is synthesizing his vast knowledge and experience into a resource for all types of educators who help elementary and middle school aged children develop a love of history.
A supplementary booklet for "Opportunities Elementary" coursebook. Aimed for undergraduate learners of secondary school intending to take oral and written matura exam. Contains 4 sets of the exam tasks.