New Opportunities Elementary. Russian Edition. CLASS CDs
Added by: bukka | Karma: 785.36 | Black Hole | 8 December 2009
New Opportunities - новое издание популярного учебника, созданное специально для российских школ.
Впервые в книгу для учащихся включены разделы по истории и культуре России. Новые разделы в рабочей тетради, Exam Zones и Skills Corners, написанные в соответствии с требованиями российских программ, позволяют эффективно сочетать изучение английского языка и подготовку к ЕГЭ.
Три аудиодиска к курсу New Opportunities Russian Edition (Elementary) в формате MP3.
Разделены на треки.
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Now in full colour and with updated artwork, this revised edition of the classic pronunciation title, Tree or Three?, retains its simplicity and straightforward syllabus. The maintained emphasis on minimal pairs, which made the original edition so popular, makes pronunciation practice light-hearted and accessible. Each unit offers comprehensive practice of sounds, with additional work on stress and intonation, and the accompanying audio CDs give lots of listening and pronunciation practice.
This new edition is thoroughly updated and revised to accompany the third edition of Essential Grammar in Use. The book contains 185 varied exercises to provide students with extra practice of the grammar they have studied.
Fifty easy-to-use units cover all aspects of pronunciation, including individual sounds, word stress, connected speech and intonation. Each unit is supported by audio material in a range of accents, available on audio CD. An additional reference section offers a glossary of specialized terms, help with the pronunciation of numbers and geographical names and fun exercises on phonemic symbols and minimal pairs.
English Vocabulary in Use Collection Books & CD-ROMs
Added by: dovesnake | Karma: 1384.51 | Black Hole | 2 December 2009
English Vocabulary in Use is a family of self-study and classroom texts for vocabulary development. The books follow the successful format of the English Grammar in Use titles with presentation of new vocabulary on the left-hand pages and practice exercises on the facing right-hand pages. There are currently 4 levels of English Vocabulary in Use from Elementary to Advanced. Supplementary tests are also available at each level.
No collections, sorry. Could you make small posts book + CD-rom for each level, please?