Elementary Illustrations of the Differential and Integral Calculus
Originally published in 1899. This volume from the Cornell University Library's print collections was scanned on an APT BookScan and converted to JPG 2000 format by Kirtas Technologies. All titles scanned cover to cover and pages may include marks notations and other marginalia present in the original volume.
Real, listening and speaking 1.The book with audio is used for students at elementary level who want to improve listening and speaking skills. It contains pratical tasks to help you everyday listening and speaking sityatuons, e.g, at the shop, in a restaurant or traveling away from home. It also gives pratice of listening in a range of work and study situation. It's designed to help you with listening and speaking tasks you wil need to do when communicatig in English, at home or abroad.
Elementary to Intermediate The world's favorite children's series, fully revised with brand new components! This major new edition builds upon Let's Go's reputation for proven success in the classroom. The core syllabus has been developed through extensive teacher feedback. New and exciting support materials confirms Let's Go as the leading teacher-friendly series available today.
Audio for Level 3 reuploaded Thanks to funnyfly1986
English Vocabulary in Use: Pre-Intermediate & IntermediateEnglish Vocabulary in Use is a family of self-study and classroom texts for vocabulary development. The books follow the successful format of the English Grammar in Use titles with presentation of new vocabulary on the left-hand pages and practice exercises on the facing right-hand pages. SECOND edition