Данная книга представляет собой адаптацию романтической повести знаменитой детской писательницы Фрэнсис Бернетг "Маленькая принцесса" о приключениях девочки по имени Сара Кру, которая сумела справиться с непростыми испытаниями, которые уготовила ей судьба, благодаря своему мужеству, помощи верных друзей и невероятной удаче. После каждой главы приводится перевод новых слов на русский язык, постраничный комментарий, а также упражнения, направленные на проверку понимания текста, отработку лексики и грамматических конструкций, развитие устной речи.
Level - Elementary Text divided into chapters with the tasks . It is great for home reading.
The Complete Book of Time and Money. Ages 5-8 Elementary /1998/ PDF + JPG
Added by: Julbakhk | Karma: 264.01 | Black Hole | 10 June 2011
The Complete Book of Time and Money. Ages 5-8 Elementary /1998/ PDF + JPG
THE COMPLETE BOOK OF TIME AND MONEY is an essential building block for that foundation! Using kid-appealing, full-color illustrations, it takes children step by step through lessons and activities which help them develop important concepts, strategies and skills for solving problems involving time and money. In the Time section, children learn to tell time to the hour, half-hour, quarter-hour and minute using both analog and digital clocks. They also explore elapsed time and solve a variety of time puzzles and problems.
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Room 13 and other ghost stories - Level elementary
Added by: elefanta | Karma: 2537.34 | Black Hole | 31 May 2011
Room 13 and other ghost stories - Level elementary
Five short stories to scare and enthral. IncludesThe Whistle,The Message of Death,andThe Maze
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New Matura Matrix. Elementary Plus. Students Book - Podręcznik do drugiej części trzyczęściowego kursu dla szkół ponadgimnazjalnych, przygotowującego do nowej matury na poziomach podstawowym i rozszerzonym. Kurs został napisany przez specjalistów w dziedzinie egzaminów FCE (Kathy Gude i Jayne Wildman) oraz egzaminów maturalnych (Danuta Gryca). Zapoznaje uczniów z typami zadań maturalnych oraz uczy techniki zdawania poszczególnych części egzaminu maturalnego.
Math Connects is intended for use in all elementary math classes as a balanced basal approach to teaching mathematics. Math Connects is the elementary portion of the vertically aligned PreK to 8 Math Connects program. This program is designed to excite students about learning mathematics while at the same time providing teachers with all the tools and materials they will need to teach the program. Students will be motivated as they solve real-world problems such as creatures under the sea, emperors of the ice, and roller coaster physics.