From Surrealism to Less-Exquisite Cadavers - Leo Malet and the Evolution of the French Roman Noir
Les nouveaux mystères de Paris (1954-1959), Léo Malet’s fifteen-novel detective series inspired by Eugène Sue’s nineteenth-century feuilleton, almost achieved the goal of setting a mystery in each of the twenty Parisian arrondissements, with Nestor Burma at the center of the action. In Burma, the “détective de choc” first introduced in 1943’s 120 rue de la gare, Malet, considered the “father” of the French roman noir, creates a cultural hybrid, bringing literary references and surrealist techniques to a criminal milieu.
The number-1 requested sewing book just got better
Ideal for sewing enthusiasts of all skill levels, this book uses photos and clearly written text to demonstrate all the basic sewing techniques needed for sewing clothes and home décor items.
Honoré de Balzac became a distinguished writer for his method of describing reality, embracing a detailed penetration of humanity and environment. His work has had a stunning impact on the modern novel, not just in France but in other parts of Europe and the United States as well. This title examines the major works of Honoré de Balzac through full-length critical essays by expert literary critics. In addition, this title features a short biography on Honoré de Balzac, a chronology of the author’s life, and an introductory essay written by Harold Bloom, Sterling Professor of the Humanities, Yale University.
Logic and Humour in the Fabliaux - An Essay in Applied Narratology
Joseph Bédier's 1893 definition of the fabliaux as 'funny stories in verse' is still widely accepted as the best brief and general description for a heterogeneous collection of texts. But the heterogeneity creates difficulties and at the periphery of the canon all three of the criteria included in Bédier's definition are open to question. The inventory proposed in the current study is based on a new structural definition, a conjointure, akin to that of romance, combining a logical episteme with a rhetorical narreme.
Harrap's Michel Thomas Anglais (Débutant et Perfectionnement) - Methode Audio
Added by: zryciuch_83 | Karma: 392.36 | Black Hole | 17 October 2011
Harrap's Michel Thomas Anglais (Débutant et Perfectionnement) - Methode Audio
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